Monday, June 14, 2010

Whorebait's Birthday

On Friday, the FTC paid special attention to an honorary Whorebait who was celebrating a momentous birthday.

The FTC started the evening (on time!) by going to Acaydia for pedicures. Since Acaydia is a school, the pedicures are not always guaranteed. Whilst Whorebait and Fern seemed to enjoy theirs, S was a little disappointed. Although, everyone left with their legs feeling slimy and smelling good.

Pepper decided to drug herself before attending the festivities and was definitely "on one" throughout the evening, but despite her best efforts to make herself unconscious before the end of the party, she managed to stay awake in order to arrive at Texas Roadhouse, whereby Fern claimed that she would eat 19 rolls. She ate four.

Being that it was Whorebait's birthday, the FTC made sure that she celebrated in the appropriate Texan-style: by sitting on a giant saddle and yelling "YeeHaw."

Since Pepper decided to OD on her pills, and then her husband arrived back in town early, the evening was cut short. But not before we listened to all of the best country music in S's car.

Happy Birthday, Skank!

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