Monday, June 9, 2008

Top 10 Reasons to Love Idaho

Recently, some people have been quoted saying that there is nothing good about Idaho and that nothing good has ever come from Idaho. I am here to prove them wrong. Without further ado, the Top 10 Reasons to Love Idaho:

Fact: Idaho produces 1/3 of the potatoes grown in the US, including those used for french fries in fast-food restaurants around the world. No need to mention french fries are one of the main causes of obesity in US children.
Conclusion: Idaho is a culinary hotbed.
Fact: Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea explored extensively in Idaho. Without Idaho, and Lewis and Clark's expedition, there would be no Sacagawea dollar.
Conclusion: Idaho is wealthy.
Fact: Chief Joseph, of the Nez Perce Indians, lived and uttered his famous "I will fight no more, forever" quote in Idaho. Well, he lived in Idaho until his tribe was driven out of the United States to live in exile in Canada.
Conclusion: Idaho is peaceful.
Fact: Idaho is the sixth-fastest growing state in the nation and has grown 38% since 1990, bringing the population of the state to well over one million. (1,429,096)
Conclusion: Idaho is economically sound.

Fact: Idaho is home of the Idaho Stampede and has put the NBA D-league on the map. (Incidentally, the Stampede beat the Fort Wayne Mad Antz on their way to the NBA D-league championship.)
Conclusion: Idaho is athletic.

Fact: Part of Yellowstone National Park is in Idaho. In fact, the Idaho area of the park is a popular visitor attraction for foreigners who come to get run over by bison.
Conclusion: Idaho is natural.

Fact: The poet Ezra Pound was born in Idaho. Without him, we would not have The Cantos and its fascinating observations on Mussolini, Facism and anti-Semitism.
Conclusion: Idaho is cultured.

Fact: The University of Idaho is consistently ranked in the bottom five in Division I NCAA football, which means it is constantly letting other states win ... a lot.
Conclusion: Idaho is unselfish.

Fact: Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of the TV, was born and raised in Rigby, Idaho. Without the television, the US would be missing an entire generation of couch potatoes.
Conclusion: Idaho is entertaining.

Fact: Senator Larry Craig, recently accused of lewd conduct toward an under-cover cop in a restroom, is from Idaho. In Idaho, US Senators think that gay is ok.
Conclusion: Idaho is tolerant.

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