Regardless of the most recent FTC meeting, there is absolutely no evidence that Hell has frozen over. Sure, the sass was left at the office and the members of the FTC were able to venture out in public with two guests into public without so much as one scene of indecent display. The FTC was also able to finish their meal without an uproar of profanity and crude jokes. There was also pleasant discussion of upcoming nuptials (Mary). And KP, despite her unwillingness to try new and delicious food and also her abhorrence for anything semi-nutritious, enjoyed the delicious food that came from the Thai Kitchen. All of these things may have happened, but we do not believe they are sufficient evidence for the Apocalypse. Not yet anyway.
The FTC decided to go against tradition and regulation and offer an invitation to a select few of the entire MarCom team. All manners of excuses were given in order to get out of said FTC meeting, and the club thought they would once again embark on their own. However, Mary and Julie could not come up with sufficient excuses, and were thus made to pack themselves in the back of Pepper’s car like sardines.
The FTC entered the Thai Kitchen with high expectations, and was happily satisfied. Even if the water glasses were not kept sufficiently full, and were completely drained of ice after the first 10 minutes of sitting. Fate was on the side of the FTC and S was ecstatic to learn that her favorite dish just also happened to be the daily special. KP was overwhelmed with the new flavors and delicious noodles and vegetables that were offered. Her pansy taste buds did not allow her to fully enjoy the deliciousness that was the Yellow Curry. All were pleased with the thought that if offers sticky rice to the starving people of the world, then they are finally being well fed.
Of course, the perfect nicety that was our 7th meeting could not last for long. As soon as Mary and Julie returned to their assigned offices, things turned back to normal FTC fashion. And that is exactly what we did: broke out the Novell fashion, in the form of GIANT-sized t-shirts that are a weird tan-green-puce color. Said shirts had been modeled by Wein the day before, in order to earn a diet coke and a 12-pack of diet coke (although KP’s rules explicitly stated that said 12-pack must be on sale. Said 12-pack is forthcoming—KP is generous and feels more people should take her up on her offers and bets). Once the shirts had been broken out once more, the camera had to be involved and several precious moments were spent modeling the foul-smelling garments.
After which the FTC returned dutifully to work.
The FTC now awaits the arrival of a recently groomed canine with great anticipation. Photos will document the experience, I am sure.