Monday, August 18, 2008

Fashion Advice from the FTC - A Discussion

Fern: G's Novell uniform

G: wait, how will I know you're serious? I have zero knowledge in this area.

Fern: I suggest something involving suspenders.

Fern: They are definitely making a comeback.

G: See?! I KNOW that's a setup.

Pepper: also, berets

G: I'll figure it out myself.

Fern: WHAT

Pepper: no, but khakis really are gay

G: how about coveralls?

Fern: That is the truth

Pepper: and suspenders are really hot right now

Fern: coveralls are wicked sexy

G: sheesh.

Fern: It's true.

Fern: Coveralls are hot.

G: Mainly, I don't care.

Pepper: PS---if you wear bell bottom coveralls you get double points

G: Except about the being gay part.

Pepper: or perhaps powder blue cords

Fern: I think G would look great with a jaunty beret.

G: I'll just go with a suit. That's safe.

Pepper: I concur

Fern: Maybe pinstriped.

Pepper: with a fancy neck scarf made of silk

Pepper: suits are gay

Fern: yes

Pepper: too formal for Novell

Pepper: wear jeans

Pepper: nobody cares

Fern: with moccasins

Fern: moccasins are very cool nowadays

Pepper: also, with Birkenstocks and white socks

Pepper: maybe some mardi gras beads

Fern: but they have to have fringe and beads

Pepper: Bermuda shorts

Fern: I also encourage you to wear hemp whenever possible

G: I'll keep that in mind.

Pepper: would complete the ensemble nicely

G: how about bling?

Fern: only if it involves pinky rings

Fern: although I think you might look nice with some diamond studs

Fern: They would bring out your eyes quite nicely

G: I'm too pale.

G: You have to be olive to do diamond studs.

Fern: naaa

Fern: no way

G: Potts, tell her I'm right.

Fern: Another thing to consider: open shirts or better shirt.

Fern: That would be under the overalls of course.

G: Of course

G: How about bald? is that in or not?

Fern: Only if you tattoo the back of your head

Fern: In which case, it is hot.

Fern: If you're not into moccasins or Birkenstocks, cowboy boots will do.

Fern: However, given S's strong desires for men with cowboy boots, I suggest not wearing them to work.

G: yikes

Fern: Just a heads up

Fern: You never know what will set people off

G: That's true.

G: Viggo Mortensen, for instance.

Fern: Leggings are something else to look out for.

Pepper: under the tube socks, of course

Fern: Particularly black and shiny ones

G: shiny socks?

Fern: nay

Pepper: shiny leggings

Fern: leggings

Pepper: generally, the sparklier the better

Pepper: though you can get too much shine

G: what the hell are leggings? I thought thy were those fuzzy things from the 80s.

Fern: Metrosexual is coming back for men

Fern: Those are legwarmers

Pepper: I would try for a subtle amethyst shade

Fern: pearl

G: so, like chaps? only purple?

Fern: not so much

Pepper: you know, kind of like the 80s stirrup pants

Fern: leggings are 1.not assless. and 2.skintight

Fern: unlike chaps

Pepper: surely, Her Hotness had a few pair

G: so they're pants?

Fern: yes

G: then why didnt' you say pants??

Fern: kindof like panty hose?

Fern: but more pants-like

G: like what skaters wear?


G: those are seriously ugly

Fern: nono

Pepper: they are the latest

Fern: seriously cool

Pepper: Lindsay Lohan has her own line

G: then why don't you wear them?

Fern: I read that

Pepper: Fat legs

Fern: I don't have the legs

Pepper: it's hereditary

Fern: you might, though

Pepper: yours, however, are another story

Fern: I definitely see some potential there

G: k, I'm mildly uncomfortable now

Pepper: just avoid the pearl sheen, it might blend in too well with your natural skin color and people would think you
weren't wearing any at all

Pepper: speaking of which, you should probably avoid underwear whenever possible if you want to truly reach new fashion heights

Fern: not more uncomfortable than we were when you said you liked leather halters and hooker boots/miniskirts

Fern: it's just payback, that's all

Fern: yes, no unders

Fern: that works against fashion

Pepper: VPL, you know

G: pearl = my skin color?

Pepper: it is quite white

Pepper: and fairly luminescent

Pepper: you emit a sort of glow

Fern: that's why I think he'd look right smart in diamond studs

Pepper: exactly

Pepper: pearls and diamonds go together like G and leggings

G: ok, let's see: commando, amethyst leggings, beret, no shirt, coveralls.

G: got it.

Fern: G, you really should trust us

Pepper: we know these things

Pepper: For example, khakis and button downs are SO last year

Fern: Our brains contain a vast array of knowledge

Pepper: in fact, they might even be two years ago


Fern: that you could benefit from

Pepper: we can't let you walk around like that

Fern: right.

Pepper: take our advice, you will look simply grand

Fern: We really care about you, G

Pepper: yes

Pepper: we only want what's best for you

Fern: We want you to be the best you that you can be

Pepper: which might also include copious amounts of very strong cologne

Fern: If you look good, you feel good

Pepper: but it must be of the woman's variety

Fern: Ladies like this very much

G: You know what I wish? I wish I had the cajones to wear that on Wednesday and follow you everywhere you go and
act like I really thought it was awesome.

Pepper: it attracts the ladies like flies

Pepper: to poop

G: Alas, it will never happen.

Fern: Do it, and we will be your slaves for life

Fern: We dare you

Pepper: yes

Pepper: double dare

G: It wouldn't be any fun now because you'll know that I know it's a lark.

G: It only works if you think I'm serious.

Pepper: but if you made improvements, you could show us how's it done

Fern: No no, it would still work

Pepper: you just need to purchase quite a bit of rogaine between now and Wednesday and apply it liberally to your

Fern: yes please

G: How do you know I need it?

Pepper: you'll know you've gone far enough when you look like a bear's backside

Fern: it will make the lack of a shirt not-so-startling

Pepper: exactly

Pepper: and you must make sure to curl it

Pepper: and spray it

Fern: It will be like a shirt..but not a shirt

Pepper: or it will never do

Fern: It must be springy

Fern: that is the rule to follow

Pepper: yes

Pepper: when each hair is individually curled so it spirals like a pube, you know you have reached the apex of chest hair


Fern: You didn't know that??

Fern: I thought all men did.

Pepper: yes

Pepper: I thought that was common knowledge

G: women like pubes on chests. How does that make sense?

Fern: I think I read that in GQ once.

Pepper: if you don't know that you probably don't even know that women also like unibrows

Pepper: thick, caterpillary ones

Pepper: meeting directly in the middle of your forehead

Pepper: it's really quite dashing

Fern: It has an old school flair

Fern: especially if worn with a pompadour

Pepper: yes

Pepper: but the pompadour must be at least 8 inches high

Fern: you would look positively BRILLIANT with one of those

Fern: you have no idea

Fern: but you will only be complete when you affect a slight Jamaican accent

Pepper: and if not possible, you must at least try for Cockney

Pepper: wot wot, cheerio!

Fern: Are you taking notes, G?

Fern: Neck beards are the ultimate

Fern: I've been bugging Leo to grow one, but he is just not hip enough.

Pepper: also, molestaches

Pepper: but no more than three hairs per side

Pepper: Now that you have been given all the right fashion tips, you will put them into practice on Wednesday.

Fern: This will be like our own version of 'What Not to Wear'

Pepper: Or I will send this coversation to everyone I know with you photoshopped in said outfit

Fern: only we have told you exactly what to wear (all of the above) and what not to (gay khakis) and you will follow our expertise

Monday, August 4, 2008


Some people think that if this blog is not updated while certain prominent members of the Finer Things Club are on vacation, they will be severely punished upon the return of said members.