1 - slice of pizza, 1 - 16-oz beverage, and a whole lot of sunshine on the secret Suicide Deck for $1.79, make for a wonderful lunch break and fabulous FTC meeting.
As usual, we got down to business. Two out of three of us has finished a Song for Summer, and we are waiting for the third member to do her work (Cough*KATI!*Cough) so we can start on the next great read.
There was a lot of debate on what type of pizza to order and who would do the ordering; but we went with plan B, which allowed us to all have what we wanted - and what was cheapest. It really worked out for the best, but just in case, the FTC has now been fully educated on how to order a pizza from the Hard Disk.
The exclusiveness of our club was also discussed. In an effort to be more inclusive, it was proposed that we make an announcement to the MarCom team when FTC meets. We will be trying to include more people from now on so as not to be labeled "clique-y". We invited Mary to join us and hope that she will be a frequent visitor to our club.
Plans for next week are already in discussion as well. "Operation: Rescue Meghan from Boys Nights" will be in effect later this week, after Shelli returns from Ohio. The club will miss her terribly, but it will be good practice for when Kati leaves for Indiana next month, and Meghan the month after. Summer is upon us, but we will not let vacations hurt the progress of the FTC.
The view off of the Suicide Deck
Meghan in her cool shades.
The whole gang - with Mary.